Fishing Report – 2020-2021 Winter Steelhead


2020 was certainly a tough year for everyone and a year most of us might like to forget. As we reflect back on the year, our business faced many challenges from the fishing closures that happened in early spring that canceled one of the best winter steelhead seasons we had in a long time to fishing through the wildfire smoke in early September.

Although we faced some challenges the fishing industry in general thrived. Fishing was a safe and fun outdoor activity that everyone could participate in. We fished guests from all over the U.S and made many new friends! With all the challenges along with the huge amount of people fishing and limited stock of fishing supplies at outdoor retailers, I can honestly say this was by far my most successful year of fishing (and catching). Fortunately, all our salmon and steelhead returns ended up being a lot higher than what was expected.

We would like to thank every one of you that supported our family business this year. Personally, fishing was great therapy for me. Being out on the water with so many awesome people definitely made the year so much better!


Our next chapter going into 2021 has us Winter Steelhead fishing out of Tillamook, Oregon. Winter Steelhead season starts around mid-December and runs through April. We mainly fish the Wilson, Trask, and Nehalem Rivers.

Early Steelhead returns have been above average which generally bodes well for a great season. The average fish size seems to be bigger than normal from what I have seen myself.

Winter Steelhead season is one of my favorite seasons to fish due to how productive the trips can be. We’ll typically hook multiple fish per day, sometimes in the double digits! Steelhead are very aggressive fighters and are super fun to catch on light tackle. I can’t wait to get out there this winter and early spring!