Best Summer Fishing on the Columbia River


Man, woman, and young boy pose for a photo in a boat with 8 fish they caught at buoy 10

You’ll find the best summer fishing on the Columbia River by booking a trip with an experienced and quality fishing guide. A trip with Hazen’s Guide Service this summer is sure to be the highlight of a memorable and enjoyable vacation!

The Columbia River is full of summer fishing action with lots of opportunities all summer long. Salmon, sturgeon, and steelhead are all catchable during the summer months on the lower Columbia River.

Book Multiple-Day Fishing Trips

Many of our families and friend groups enjoy booking multiple-day trips to get an opportunity to target a variety of fish types. One of our favorite combos is summer steelhead and sturgeon. Especially since sturgeon is a guaranteed day of fish fighting action!

Easy Access from PDX

All fishing trips booked with us embark from boat launches within a short 30 minutes to 2 hours drive of the Portland airport. We’re able to recommend where to stay that’s close to where we’re fishing and where you plan on spending the rest of your time on vacation.

Here’s what we’re catching during the summer months on the Columbia River:

What are you waiting for? We’re happy to help you plan the perfect fishing trip this summer. Get in touch today!

2021 Spring Chinook Salmon Fishing on the Willamette River


We are currently in the thick of spring Chinook salmon fishing season. When we were able to fish on the Columbia River it was fairly productive. In the beginning, it started slow then got good just before the Columbia closed down on April 4. There was lots of action, but having to use barbless hooks really made for a lot of missed or lost fish this year. We found a really good spot to anchor fish plugs on the outgoing tides. This was how we caught the majority of our fish.

At the moment, we are targeting the lower Multnomah channel on the Willamette River. Fishing has been slow and inconsistent for the most part. Although, it does show flashes of brilliance from time to time. One day you’re getting into them good and the next you’re really having to work hard for a few bites. However, it has been a lot of fun and one of my favorite fisheries.

I love the awesome weather, calm waters, and the challenge of the Springer season. Not to mention that spring Chinook salmon are the best-eating fish on the planet in my opinion. We will be fishing here through the end of May.

2021-05-05T11:22:03-07:00May 5th, 2021|Fishing Report, Spring Chinook Salmon|

2021 Winter Steelhead Season Recap


We wrapped up our 2021 Tillamook winter steelhead fishing trips a little earlier than normal. This was mostly due to water conditions and the short window of the overlapping Lower Columbia River spring Chinook season.

We had another fun and exciting winter steelhead season! I learned so much this season compared to any other. As usual water conditions were different on every trip so being able to adapt was key to our success. To sum up the season I would say early on it was a little below average, the middle was good and later was average. Overall, I think it was a slightly above-average winter steelhead season with some really good days in the mix. Probably one of my better seasons. Also, there was a significant increase in the quantity of larger fish which made for some exciting battles!

I’m betting that next year’s run will be very good based on the latest ocean conditions forecasting/modeling. It’s never too early to reserve a spot for next season!

2021-05-05T10:42:41-07:00May 5th, 2021|Fishing Report, Winter Steelhead|
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